Using a jointer/planer to renew a hazard stake
The highest priority for the Team during winter storms was to keep the club open. They were out early, shoveling the sidewalks and parking lots--ensuring these areas were passable and safe. Next, they checked the course for damage.
After spending the morning out in the cold, there were plenty of "indoor" projects to keep the Team busy. Above, Bernie is using a woodworking jointer to plane an old hazard stake. Over time, the color of the stakes can fade but by removing a bit of material the stake can be returned to "good as new" condition.
Before and After
We're glad that Mother Nature has relented and afforded us the opportunity to get back out on the course to complete our winter "outdoor" projects. But rest assured that, no matter what the weather, your Maintenance Team has a plan to remain productive and work toward the betterment of your golf course.